I know most pregnant girls have boyfriends or husbands that knocked them up
I know most pregnant girls have boyfriends or husbands that knocked them up but I don’t and it makes me sad! (: (: Double sad face! As you probably know my d-bag boyfriend left me shortly after I told him I was pregnant. Clearly he’s the sort of guy that doesn’t step up when it’s required of him, instead preferring to run away and hide like a bitch. He wasn’t really a great guy so we weren’t really made for each other but still, it would have been nice to have someone around for those times when a pregnant girl needs a man (not just for the fucking, either, although that would be really nice).
I’d be interested in getting to know you better, Tegan.
i wanna be your boyfriend….i will responsible for your kid…and we make more kid…how? because i love you…