Category Archives: Pregnant
Everyone told me that anything can happen when you’re pregnant.
Everyone told me that anything can happen when you’re pregnant. You can gain weight all over, have wild hormone fluctuations, your hair can even change color permanently. The body changes are pretty crazy but in general I like it. I like that my breasts are bigger and I really like how big and round and swollen my belly is.
You’d think a pregnant woman would be a delicate creature!
You’d think a pregnant woman would be a delicate creature that you couldn’t fuck hard but I’m totally not that. I had a guy over yesterday and he fucked the hell out of me.
I’m so excited to share the naughty side of my pregnancy
I’m so excited to share the naughty side of my pregnancy experience with you guys! Some people told me that in the third trimester I would get really horny but I didn’t believe them until it actually happened. It’s like I can’t go more than a few minutes without thinking of sex. Is this what it’s like to be a guy?
I got fucked!
I got fucked! It’s been like two months since I’ve had a cock in me but I finally got one last night and it was incredible. The guy had asked me out a few weeks ago and he was hot so I said yes without even thinking about it. I love hot guys! He said that instead of going out and exhausting me he was going to come to my place and make dinner.
Before I got pregnant my friends always told me I should try modeling.
Before I got pregnant my friends always told me I should try modeling. You can’t really tell now but I had a slender body with perky breasts and obviously I never had to work to get the boys interested in me. Now that I’m totally pregnant and swollen I’m actually doing some modeling and I love it!
I think what I like most about getting pregnant is my big beautiful breasts.
I think what I like most about getting pregnant is my big beautiful breasts. Before I got knocked up (by that total jerk that abandoned me) I had a B cup at best. They were sexy but they were pretty small.
Remember when I talked about feeling really horny?
Remember when I talked about feeling really horny and wishing my boyfriend was back so he could fuck me? Well, I don’t really wish he was back because he’s an asshole. However, I did finally manage to get laid.
My boyfriend was obviously a dirtbag
My boyfriend was obviously a dirtbag. Only scumbags leave pregnant girls (: The one thing he was good at was fucking me and right now I would love to have him here for a little bit of that. Yeah, the pregnancy was pretty rough in the beginning.